
Friday, January 30, 2015

Zenspirations #13: More Lost Holiday Cheer!

Ooops!  I found another one....Here is another lost Zenspirations drawing I did back in December 2014.  Though I share since I liked the way it turned out.  As I said before "Better late than never,"  with all the snow this part of the country has been getting it feels like Christmas.  Mind you we got no snow during the actual Christmas season.  Mother nature is sure making up for it now...about 3 feet of snow just in two days and more to come...Yikes.

Have a great day and as always find your creative joy and share it...even if it is out of season!!!!


Monday, January 26, 2015

Zenspirations #12: Is Christmas Really Over??

I just re-located my craft studio to a different part of the house and found a couple of Zenpirations® drawings I manage to do during the Holidays.  This one I did a couple of days before Christmas.  I remember placing it inside one of my drawing pad and forgot all about posting if for Christmas day. Yikes!  

It is amazing to me, however, how fast the holidays seem to go by.  You do all this preparation for Christmas and then it gets here and is gone as fast as it came.  I find that as my daughter grows it goes even faster.  The wonder of Christmas morning fades a little and you do your best to hang on, but know that it is part of life.  Before you know it another generation will come by and hopefully you get a few more chances to experience the wonder through the eyes of child.  


A month late, but with lots of love!  This is my Zenspirations® Christmas wishes!

Have a great day and if like me you're getting hit by a blizzard (Northeast) then be safe and warm!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Year's Goal for my Art...

CRAZY, CRAZY, and CRAZIER!!!!  I can't believe my last post was in November of last year!  I have been so neglectful of this blog I am sooo ashamed!  

The truth is that it has been a tough few months.  I decided to go back to school and did not realized how much time it would take to accomplish this new face in my life.  Between one full-time job, one part-time job, going to school 15 hours a week and trying to take care of the family I could not seem to find the time to do a little art.  Did I mention I've been remodeling my home a little bit too!  Looney bin here I come! 

Anyhow, enough with the complaining. It is time for re-organizing my time and as a New Year's goal (not resolution!)  I will attempt to set aside at least an hour a week to create some Zentangle® or Zenspirations® art.  The first thing I have done is set up my traveling pouch in order to carry with me and use anytime I have a little break, either at my work lunch break or during class breaks.  Little by little I’m sure I can complete something each week.  

For my Mixed media the goal is to dedicate 1 to 2 hours on Sunday mornings when everyone is sleeping in.  Some oatmeal and light music and go to town with my paints and paper.  With determination I think is time to get back to what calms me and brings me peace and joy.  Life is too crazy and fast paced, I need to make time to slow down and get back to exploring my wondering mind field!

Here is a little tile I completed a while ago and had not had a change to post until now…I used BTL by Sandy Bartholomew and Webz by JeanTheurkauf among some of the tangles.  These two ladies are very talented and I enjoy seeing their art.

Thank for visiting my little corner of the Internet and my apologies for the neglect.  As always stay safe and keep searching for our creative joy!
