CRAZY, CRAZY, and CRAZIER!!!! I can't believe my last post
was in November of last year! I have been so neglectful of this blog I am
sooo ashamed!
The truth is that it has been a tough few months. I decided
to go back to school and did not realized how much time it would take to
accomplish this new face in my life. Between one full-time job, one
part-time job, going to school 15 hours a week and trying to take care of the
family I could not seem to find the time to do a little art. Did I
mention I've been remodeling my home a little bit too! Looney bin here I
Anyhow, enough with the complaining. It is time for re-organizing
my time and as a New Year's goal (not resolution!) I will attempt to set
aside at least an hour a week to create some Zentangle® or Zenspirations® art. The first thing I have done is
set up my traveling pouch in order to carry with me and use anytime I have a
little break, either at my work lunch break or during class breaks.
Little by little I’m sure I can complete something each week.
For my Mixed media the goal is to dedicate 1 to 2 hours on Sunday
mornings when everyone is sleeping in.
Some oatmeal and light music and go to town with my paints and paper. With determination I think is time to get
back to what calms me and brings me peace and joy. Life is too crazy and fast paced, I need to
make time to slow down and get back to exploring my wondering mind field!
Here is a little tile I completed a while ago and had not had a
change to post until now…I used BTL by Sandy Bartholomew and Webz by JeanTheurkauf among some of the tangles.
These two ladies are very talented and I enjoy seeing their art.
Thank for visiting my little corner of the Internet and my apologies for the neglect. As always stay safe and keep searching for our creative joy!